When You're Laid Up In Bed...It's A Great Time to Get Some Reading Done.

Or so I found. It started with a sore throat and I ended up staying bed for practically a week. I think I had the flu. Finally I went to the doctor and he said I have iron deficiency anemia and maybe a cold. Okay. Anyway I finished reading about 18 books from 3/18-3/29. That's always cool because I love to read. Here is a list of my reading:
  1. To Wed A Scandalous Spy by Celeste Bradley A+
  2. Wild At Heart by Patricia Gaffney A+
  3. The Care and Feeding of Pirates by Jennifer Ashley A++
  4. The Temptation by Claudia Dain A
  5. The Knave and The Maiden by Blythe Gifford A-
  6. Fallen by Emma Jensen B+
  7. A Notorious Love by Sabrina Jeffries A
  8. The Reasons for Marriage (Short Story in Rogue's Reform) by Stephanie Laurens B+
  9. The Forbidden Lord by Sabrina Jeffries A
  10. A Marriage Worth Waiting For by Susan Fox B+
  11. The Ugly Duckling by Brenda Hiatt A
  12. Some Enchanted Evening by Christina Dodd A++
  13. The Sun And The Moon by Patricia Ryan A+
  14. The Mercenary's Kiss by Pam Crooks A+
  15. Winter Woman by Jenna Kernan A+
  16. In The King's Service by Margaret Moore A
  17. Captured Innocence by Susan Sizemore A
  18. A Rake's Vow by Stephanie Laurens B-
  19. Once A Warrior by Karyn Monk A+

Well at least I got something done although I'm laid up. Most of the books I read were good. Some were great. Some were on the dry side. The B and B- are the ones I found dry. But most of the books really took my mind of feeling like crap. I do love romance novels. Thank God for them!


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